Interface Decoder<I,​O,​E extends DecoderException>

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of the decoder.
        The name of the decoder.
      • dequeueInputBuffer

        I dequeueInputBuffer()
                      throws E extends DecoderException
        Dequeues the next input buffer to be filled and queued to the decoder.
        The input buffer, which will have been cleared, or null if a buffer isn't available.
        E - If a decoder error has occurred.
        E extends DecoderException
      • queueInputBuffer

        void queueInputBuffer​(I inputBuffer)
                       throws E extends DecoderException
        Queues an input buffer to the decoder.
        inputBuffer - The input buffer.
        E - If a decoder error has occurred.
        E extends DecoderException
      • dequeueOutputBuffer

        O dequeueOutputBuffer()
                       throws E extends DecoderException
        Dequeues the next output buffer from the decoder.
        The output buffer, or null if an output buffer isn't available.
        E - If a decoder error has occurred.
        E extends DecoderException
      • flush

        void flush()
        Flushes the decoder. Ownership of dequeued input buffers is returned to the decoder. The caller is still responsible for releasing any dequeued output buffers.
      • release

        void release()
        Releases the decoder. Must be called when the decoder is no longer needed.