# 镜像站将于8月21日晚间至8月22日进行系统升级
基于Debian Bullseye将在8月14日正式发布,镜像站计划在8月21日晚间23:00至8月22日06:00进行系统升级,届时镜像站及其附属服务将暂时不可用。对您教学,科研,生活带来的不便,我们深表歉意。
Based on the official release of Debian Bullseye on August 14, the mirror site is upgradation from 23:00 (UTC+8) on August 21 to 06:00 (UTC+8) on August 22, and the mirror site and its affiliated services will be temporarily unavailable at that time. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to your teaching, research and life.
您可以于此处 (opens new window)查看镜像站目前的服务状态。或在此 (opens new window)查看我们的状态更新。