(如面向本科生开放,请注明区分内容。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
Chapter 1:
Introduction to Categorical
Description, modelling and inference of categorical data (2 hours).
分类数据的描述,建模和推断(2 学时)。
Chapter 2:
Contingency Tables
Description and inference of contingency tables. Specifically, introducing the
probability structure, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing of
contingency tables by starting from two-way tables and extending to multiway
ones; A software demonstration session included (8 hours).
列联表的描述和推断。 具体而言,从二向列联表开始,向多项列联表扩
环节(8 学时)。
Chapter 3:
Generalized Linear Models
Describing generalized linear models for binary and counts data, and
introducing the likelihood and inference methods of generalized linear model
(4 hours).
函数和推断方法(4 学时)。
Chapter 4:
Logistic Regression
Logistic 回归模型
Interpreting parameters in logistic regression models, describing the fitting
methods, and introducing the building and selection of logistic regression
models; A software demonstration session included (6 hours).
诠释 logistic 回归模型中的参数,描述此类回归模型的拟合方法,并介绍
logistic 回归的模型构建和选择;包含软件演示环节(6 学时)。
Chapter 5:
Logit and Loglinear Models
Logit 及 loglinear 模型
Introducing the logit models for multinomial responses and the corresponding
inference methods, the loglinear models for contingency tables and the
corresponding inference methods, and also the building and extension of
logit/loglinear models; A software demonstration session included (10 hours).
介绍针对多项数据的 logit 模型及相应推断方法,针对列联表的 loglinear
模型及相应推断方法,以及 logit/loglinear 的模型构建和扩展;包含软件
演示环节(10 学时)。
Chapter 6:
Special Models and the
Related Inference
Models and the related inference for special categorical response data,
including matched pairs and repeated response data; A software demonstration
session included (6 hours).
据;包含软件演示环节(6 学时)。
Chapter 7:
Random Effect Models
Generalized linear mixed model (random effect) and other mixture models for
categorical data: introducing the generalized linear mixed models for
clustered, binary and multinomial data, and the corresponding fitting and
inference methods; in addition, briefly introducing other mixture models for
categorical data; A software demonstration session included (8 hours).