Pre-requisites or Other
Academic Requirements
MA204, Mathematical Statistics 数理统计
Courses for which this course
is a pre-requisite
Cross-listing Dept.
Statistical Learning merges Statistics with Computer Science and Optimization. Much of the
agenda in Statistical Learning is driven by applied problems in science and technology, where data
streams are increasingly large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous, and where mathematical and
algorithmic creativity are required to bring statistical methodology to bear. The course covers a
wide range of topics, including supervised and unsupervised learning, kernel methods, model
selection, ensemble methods, graphical models. The goal is to study the underlying principles for
those methods and be able to tackle real-life problems.
Statistical Learning is widely used in many areas. For instance, bioinformatics, artificial
intelligence, signal processing, communications, networking, information management, finance,
game theory and control theory are all being heavily influenced by developments in Statistical
Learning. Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to learn the essential
techniques and underlying principles behind Statistical Learning and be able to tackle real-life
problems using these tools.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)