Others in social gender
Gender, body, and identity
Week 5 Queer Theory
The interpretation of queer theory
Different approaches to the study of gender
Cultural diversity and multiculturalism
Week 6 Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and Individualization
Interpreting the theory and thought of postfeminism
Providing an overview of different theoretical perspectives on individualization and neoliberalism
Exploring how these post-modern trends intersect with femininities
Part II Social and Cultural Criticism
Week 7 Gender Issues in Contemporary World
Unpacking gender issues in contemporary world transnationally
Discussing contemporary debates about gender issues in different societies
Deconstructing patriarchy
Week 8 Marriage, Family and Fertility
Gender issues in love relationship and marriage
The changing concepts of family and the changing roles of male and female within a family
Reproductive freedom as women’s right
Week 9 Gender, Power, and Social Justice
Security issues from gender perspectives
Violence, masculinities and power
Power-related and gender-based violence and protections
Week 10 Gender-Related Labour Issues
Gender inequalities in working places
Redress, repair and reparation for gendered harm
Part III Special Topics in Gender Studies
Week 11 Gender, Race, and Class
Focusing on the intersections of gender, race and class
Analyzing social hierarchies including gender, race and class
Cultural hegemony and its manifestation in social inequalities
Week 12 Gender, Culture and Media
The sexualisation of contemporary culture
Analyzing gender in media texts
Gender representation in social media and its gender metaphor
Week 13 Gender and Sound
Does sound have gender?
How do identity categories like gender and race form our experiences of music, and how does music shape our
experiences of identity?
How do sound and sound technology relate to the operations of power, pleasure, violence, and desire?
Week 14 Gender and STS
Gendered science and gendered technology
Feminist Science and Technology Studies
Technological revolution in home and its gender metaphor
Week 15 Gender and Environment
“The Death of Nature” and ecofeminism
Economic globalization, the environment and gender
Regional and transnational expressions of ecofeminism and responses to globalization
Week 16 Conclusion and Discussion: Women’s Power, Empowerment and Leadership
Understanding women’s power, empowerment and leadership
Summary and extension