Week 2: Language Families 语系 (2-credit hours)
What is the language family?
Language families in Asia
Myths and new understandings of language family
Q&A session
Week 3: Chinese 汉语 (2-credit hours)
Old and Middle Chinese
Classical and literary forms
Current status of the Chinese language
Q&A session
Week 4: Korean 韩国语/朝鲜语 (2-credit hours)
Old and Middle Korean
Influence of Chinese and invention of Hangul
Two Koreas and current status of the Korean language
Q&A session
Week 5: Japanese 日语 (2-credit hours)
Old Japanese and Influence of Chinese
Two “middle” Japanese and appearance of hiragana and katakana
Early modern and modern Japanese
Q&A session
Week 6: Film Viewing 电影观览 (2-credit hours)
The Linguists, Seth Kramer et al., dir. (2008)
Week 7: Mongolian 蒙古语 (2-credit hours)
Old and middle Mongolian and the Mongol Empire
Many Mongolic languages and scripts
Modern Mongolian language
Q&A session
Week 8: Jurchen/Manchu 女真/满洲语 (2-credit hours)
Jurchen language and Manchu language
Scope of Manchu language materials in Qing
Current status and revival movements
Q&A session
Week 9: Tibetan 藏语 (2-credit hours)
Old Tibetan and Tibetan Empire
Tibetan language for Buddhist literature
Current status of Tibetan language
Q&A session
Week 10: Film Viewing 电影观赏 (2-credit hours)
Digital Dharma, Dafna Yachin, dir. (2012)
Week 11: Chagatai 察合台语 (2-credit hours)
Pre-classical Chagatai
Classical Chagatai