Week 3: The Vedas 吠陀 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
Indo-Europeans and the origins of the Vedic culture
Oral texts vs. written texts: how much can our memory contain?
Text and ritual
Guided readings of select passages
Week 4: Homeric epics 荷马史诗 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
History and literature of archaic Greece
Historicity of Homer and the contents of Homeric epics
Guided readings of select passages from the Iliad
Week 5: The Mahabharata 摩诃婆罗多 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
Historical background of Indian epics
History and structure of the Mahabharata
Reception of the Mahabharata in the contemporary Indian culture
Guided readings of select passages from the Bhagavad Gita
Week 6: Socrates and Plato 苏格拉底与柏拉图 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
Axial age and the beginnings of philosophies
Pre-Socratic philosophers and Eurasian influences on Greek philosophy
The historical Socrates
Themes of Socratic philosophy
Guided readings of select passages
Week 7: The Old Testament: Tora 旧约圣经:妥拉 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
Hebrew culture as part of the Near East
History and Structure of the Old Testament
Guided readings of select passages
Week 8: The Old Testament: Psalms and prophets 旧约圣经:诗篇与先知书 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
“Wisdom literature” in the Bible
Historicity of the Hebrew prophets
Poetry of the Old testament
Guided readings of select passages
Week 9: The Pāli canon and early Buddhism 早期佛教与巴利三藏 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
Jainism, Buddhism and the Axial age in India
Structure and themes of the Pāli canon
Guided readings of select passages
Week 10: The Avesta 阿维斯陀 (2-credit hours)
Mini-test on the contents of the previous class
Indo-European ancestry in Sasanian classics