cultural and social forces. We will discuss how medical research, theory, and practice are shaped by these forces.
Lecture 8: Medicalization / 医疗化 (2-credit hours)
Drug marketing
Problems in many areas of life are now considered medical issues. When they make decisions about nutrition, exercise,
parenting, and relationships, many people today see themselves as patients and seek advice from medical experts.
Companies selling medical treatment also encourage people to believe that medicine can cure not only current diseases,
but also be used to manage future risks and to seek happiness.
Lecture 9: Family, Social Support, and Stress / 家庭,社会支持,与压力 (2-credit hours)
Culture and family structure
Developmental psychology
Children’s cognitive and emotional development is shaped by their parents. How do different kinds of families, and
different forms of parenting, affect mental health? We will read about how parents in different cultures have very different
ideas about how children should be educated.
Lecture 10: Economics, History, and the Self / 经济,历史,与自我 (2-credit hours)
Structural violence
Social support, social enabling
The social contexts in which we live shape our mental health. We will think about how large social structures affect the
stresses that people face in their daily life. We will also discuss how small social groups, such as families or local
communities, can promote mental health, or exacerbate distress.
Lecture 11: Depression / 抑郁 (2-credit hours)
Genes and environments
Depression has become a major epidemic. But scholars are not sure how to define what it is. We will see how
psychiatrists, psychologists, medical researchers, and social scientists have analysed depression from very different
Lecture 12: Culture and Personality / 文化与人格 (2-credit hours)
What is culture?
Culture and identity
We will look at research from North America and East Asia that shows that culture profoundly shapes our psychology.
Turning to statistical research, we will see that rates of mental disorder differ worldwide. Finally, we will examine theories
about the connection between culture and mental health.
Lecture 13: Personality and Social Change / 人格与社会变迁 (2-credit hours)
Life Projects
We will discuss the concept of ‘individualization’: this describes a process by which people have become less connected
to particular social groups, and more responsible for determining their own identity. Under these conditions, people often