1. Introduction (2-credit hours)
a. Understand the dynamic relationship between science, values, interpretation, and the family
b. What's the objective of marriage?
c. What's the purpose of marriage?
d. What's the base of attraction between marital partners and the beginning of family formation?
2. Marriage in Traditional Chinese Families (2-credit hours)
a. What are the meanings of wedding ceremony?
b. Understand the paradoxical and ambivalent nature of close , intimate relationship
c. Family stress, power struggle among family members, politics of the family , violence in the family,
3. The Modern Family and Its Rise (2-credit hours)
a. Major change in family behavior & attitudes in 18th century
b. Analyse the essence of modernization
c. How then was modern family life different from that in the past?
4. Structural Functionalism: Talcott Parsons (2-credit hours)
Understand Parsons’s Themes:
a. Functions of the modern family
b. Relative (not absolute) isolation of the family
c. The structure of the nuclear family
5. The Politics of the Family: R.D. Laing (2-credit hours)
a. Family as a set of dyadic relationships
b. The child as parents’ project
c. Understand R.D. Laing’s concept of defence mechanisms /operations
6. Power in the Family (2-credit hours)
a. Definition of interpersonal power
b. Men’s live vs women’s lives
c. Understand A.Hochschild’s idea of “second shift” and “third shift”
7. Group Presentation 1, Discussion and Evaluation (2-credit hours)
8. Work and the Family (2-credit hours)
a. Effects of work on family life
b. Work-related travel & geographic mobility
c. How work affects the emotional life of a family
9. Parenthood (2-credit hours)
a. Transition to Parenthood
b. Irrevocability (final, cannot be changed) of parenthood
c. Parenthood as responsibility with little authority
10. Group Presentation 2, Discussion and Evaluation (2-credit hours)
11. Family Stress, Resources and Coping (2-credit hours)