The course is designed for entry-level grad students and senior undergraduate students interested in
high-frequency electronic circuits and systems. The course teaches on the design considerations of
modern RF and microwave systems. The concepts introduced in the course are exemplified in a
hands-on project that focuses on the design and implementation of a frequency modulated
continuous wave (FMCW) radar system that can perform range, Doppler, and Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) measurements. In the first half of the course, the students build an FMCW radar system using off-
the-shelf components. In the second half, the students focus on either improving the system by
implementing their own design or utilizing the system for a specific application, such as speed
limit enforcement or remote vital sign
The course provides an opportunity for the students to work on hands-
on projects related to RF and
wireless systems. The projects encompass multiple aspects
of electrical engineering, including system
design, antenna design, analog circuit design, embedded systems, and digital signal processing. The
primary aim of the course is to prepare the students with a better understanding of engineering principles
as well as practical engineering skills.
The following contents are not required for undergraduate students:
• Phased array antennas
• Advanced transceiver architectures
If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
本课程采用理论与实践相结合的方式。教学内容包括 48 课时的理论授课和 32 学时的实验项目。理论课中主要讲授射
Course Contents
(如面向本科生开放,请注明区分内容。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
课程简介 / Course Introduction
射频与微波系统发展史 / A Brief History on RF and Microwave Technologies
射频与微波系统中的基本概念 / Fundamental Concepts of RF and Microwave
射频与微波放大器 / RF and Microwave Amplifiers
射频与微波振荡器与频率综合器 / RF and Microwave Oscillators and Frequency
射频与微波混频器 / RF and Microwave Frequency Mixers
无线通信系统 / Wireless Communication Systems
射频收发机架构 / Transceiver Architectures