课程简介 General Introduction
量子计算简介 Quantum Computing Introduction
“摩尔定律”与颠覆性计算 “Moore’s Law”& “Beyond Moore”
量子物理简介 Quantum Physics Introduction
模拟量子计算机及淬火 Analog Quantum & Annealers
量子力学简介 Quantum Mechanics Introduction
Qubits 的实现 Qubits Implementations
硅基量子计算 Si-based Quantum Computers
通用量子计算机 General Purpose Quantum Computers
低温 Cryogenic CMOS 回顾 Cryogenic CMOS Review
低温 Cryogenic CMOS 当前状态 Cryogenic CMOS Current Status
当前论文研读及 PPT Presentations Latest Conf & Journal Research Paper
Review through individual PPT Presentations
当前论文研读及 PPT Presentations Presentations Latest Conf & Journal
Research Paper Review through individual PPT Presentations
当前论文研读及 PPT Presentations Presentations Latest Conf & Journal
Research Paper Review through individual PPT Presentations
1 考核形式 Form of examination;
2 .分数构成 grading policy;
3 如面向本科生开放,请注明区分内容。
If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the difference.)
随堂测试 Quiz
48%考勤 + 12%作业 + 15%随堂小测验成绩 + 15%论文 PPT 总结互评 + 10%课程总结(word)及课程总体行为评估