Lecture 1:MEMS 技术的发展历史和现状分析(2 学时)
The development history and current situation of MEMS technology
Lecture 2:力学传感器-微加速度计设计 (6 学时)
Mechanical sensor-accelerometer, its working principle, design points and fabrication process.
Focus on micro/nano mechanics.
Lecture 3:力学传感器-压力传感器设计(4 学时)
Mechanical sensor-pressure sensor, its working principles, design points and successful examples.
Focus on thin film deformation and its sensing.
Lecture 4:力学传感器-mems 麦克风设计(4 学时)
Mechanical sensor- mems microphone, its design principle, theoretically model and fabrications.
Focus on thin film deformation and its sensing.
Lecture 5: RF MEMS-谐振器与继电器设计(6 学时)
RF MEMS-resonators and relays.
Lecture 6: 热传感器设计(6 学时)
Thermal sensor design. Thermal fluids. Thermal isolation structure design.
Lecture 7: 微纳能量采集器设计-机械能转换(6 学时)
Micro/nano energy harvester- Mechanical energy conversion
Vibration control, linear and/or nonlinear case.
Lecture 8:微纳能量采集器设计-声能(6 学时)
Micro/nano energy harvester- sound energy conversion
Energy-conserving transducers design.
Lecture 9:光学 MEMS 设计-数字微镜和 THz 微器件(6 学时)
Optical MEMS- Digital micromirrors and THz microdevices
Lecture 10:期末 pre(对某一个具体 mems 器件进行资料查询,收集,设计并形成大作业)(2 学时)
Final exam (Focus on a specific mems device or product, finish the data query and collection, try to propose a
design and complete a report.)