modern semiconductor devices.
2) Master about the advanced digital CMOS IC design methods.
3) Use logic gates (combinational and sequential), memory and register to build very large-scale integrated circuit with
specific functions.
4) Understand the characteristic of VLSI circuits through theoretical analysis and simulation.
5) Design specific functional circuits with deep-submicron PDK throughtout the complete circuit design flow (drawing
schematic and layout, DRC/LVS, parasitic extraction, post-layout simulation)
6) Understand the circuit design considerations regarding performance-cost-power consumption and other aspects.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)
Lecture Part(理论课部分):
Lecture 1. Introduction to Digital CMOS VLSI Design: Historical development of VLSI design; Circuit design flow,
approach; Circuit and system representation; Standard cell versus full custom; Hierarchical design; Representative
design companies and institutions; Research fields and application demands; Introduction about School of
Microelectronics(第 1 课:数字 CMOS 超大规模集成电路设计介绍;2 学时)
Lecture 2. Device Theory I: Diode and MOSFET: Basic introduction to the MOS transistor; MOS structure; Different
modes of MOS function, MOS first-order and second-order modelling. (第 2 课:半导体器件理论——二极管与金属氧化
物半导体场效晶体管;2 学时)
Lecture 3. Device Theory II—FinFET and Parasitic Elements: Basic introduction to the FinFET, FinFET structure;
Application field of FinFET; Parasitic resistors and capacitors in CMOS VLSI (第 3 课:半导体器件理论——鳍式场效应
晶体管与电路中的寄生参数;2 学时)
Lecture 4. Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology, Layout and Packaging: Properties of semiconductor
devices; Fabrication process: transistors and wires; Process roadmap and characteristics; Common fabrication process
errors; Design rules; Layout design considerations and optimization; IC packaging. (第 4 课:集成电路制造技术、版图
以及封装;2 学时)
Lecture 5. Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuit Design: General recipe for complex combinational circuits;
Transistor sizing in combinational circuits; Different logic styles; Layout designs of combinational functions--Euler-path
diagram; Transistor ordering for lower parasitic capacitance and reduced silicon area; Standard-cell-based layout
design approach; Classification of memory and register; Memory in digital circuits (RAM and ROM); Introduction of
latches and registers. (第 5 课:组合逻辑和时序逻辑电路设计;2 学时)
Lecture 6. DC Characteristics of CMOS Basic Logic Gate: CMOS logic gate re-examination; Static behavior of a
CMOS inverter--Voltage Transfer Curve (VTC), Noise margins, βn /βp ratio. (第 6 课:CMOS 基本逻辑电路的直流特
性;2 学时)
Lecture 7. CMOS Timing and Dynamic Circuit Characteristics: Dynamic behavior of CMOS inverter--RC
characterization of CMOS circuits, Fall time, rise time and delay analysis; Delay of complex gates--Elmore delay
model; Driving large loads; Power consumption--Dynamic power consumption, Short-circuit current, Leakage. (第 7
课:CMOS 时序和动态电路特性;2 学时)
Lecture 8. Advanced CMOS Logic Circuit Design Considerations: High speed design considerations; Review of
static CMOS gates--Complementary logic, Ratioed logic, Pass transistor logic; Dynamic CMOS logic--Basic principles
and examples, Properties of dynamic logic gates, Performance and limitations; Domino logic--General operation and