Course Code/Title
Intelligent Sensing Systems in Mobile Robots
Course Credit/Hours
3 (32 Lecture Hours and 32 Lab Hours)
Teaching Language
Dr. Xiaoping Hong, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing
Electronics EE104 or SDIM242 or equivalent,
Computer Programming: CS102A/B or equivalent
Optics PHY307/EE210 or equivalent,
Signal EE205 or equivalent
Course Objectives
The advance of sensing system is bringing significant revolution to the field of robotics. The course will try
to give the students an up-to-date overview of the mobile robots and the related sensory systems, their
respective working principles, and higher-level applications. This class will expose the students to the
cutting-edge development of today's autonomous mobile robots including both the sensors and the
algorithms. We will cover state sensors such as GPS, IMU and GNSS, vision sensors such as optical
principles in cameras, RGB cameras and different types of advanced cameras, and advanced sensors such as
LiDARs, millimeter-waves radars, advanced ultrasonic sensors. We will also cover mathematical models
and algorithms such as probabilistic approach of sensor signal, Kalman filter and other robotic algorithms,
computer vision and deep learning, localization, mapping and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And
Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will gain working knowledge of 1. Robot basics. 2. Low level sensory systems, their
principles and engineering methods. 3. High level sensing algorithms. 4. Use of sensing systems in
moving robots.
2. Students will learn how to execute a complete project, through problem formulation,
implementation, verification and time management.
3. Students will gain teamwork experience through group project.
4. Students will gain scientific writing and presentation skills through report, presentation and video
5. Students will gain open source repository experience. (GitHub)
Teaching Methods
1. Lectures. Lectures provide motivations and overall understanding of the sensor principles and
2. Student literature research. Papers, books and references will be delivered in class.
3. Project-based learning.
Project Details
Student will be required to form groups and construct a robotic system to perform certain tasks. This system
needs to have justifiable motivations. Example tasks are the following (difficulty in ascending order).
1. Tracking/Motion from A to B (Deliver goods from A to B)
2. Obstacle detection and avoidance (Pedestrian safety for example)
3. Object classification with camera and/or lidar (Identify cars and parking lots to manage campus
4. Localization and mapping (build a map around the campus for digital management)
5. Autonomous navigation with all the above (An autonomous AGV good for all of the tasks above)
Course Contents
Section 1
Introduction to Robotics and Sensing Systems (Week 1, 2)
Project introduction
Architectural view of a mobile robot system
Overview of sensors and background of robotic sensing
Building blocks of robotic sensing
Introduction to sensors
Section 2
State Estimation (Week 3, 4, 5)
Introduction of state sensors (GNSS, IMU, barometer, UWB)
Probabilistic and Bayesian approach to sensor signal processing,
Bayesian filter, particle filter, Kalman filter and extensions,
Other topics
Section 3
Cameras and Computer Vision (Week 6, 7, 8, 9)
Cameras, working principles and different types (e.g. event camera,
stereo vision cameras, structured light cameras, IR camera etc)
Intro to computer vision (conventional vs deep learning)
Other topics
Project mini-presentation (Week 7)
Section 4
Advanced Sensors and Sensor Fusion (Week 10, 11, 12)
Ultrasonic sensors
LiDAR and time-of-flight sensors
Millimeter-wave sensors
Sensor calibration and sensor fusion
Section 5
Localization and Mapping (Week 13, 14, 15)
Introduction to localization
Introduction to mapping
Introduction to SLAM
Section 6
Final presentation and Report (Week 16)
Course Assessment
The evaluation will be based on the project presentation and report. Project and presentation can be done in
groups, but the report should be worked out by each student independently.
Each student needs to deliver a group mini-presentation (10%), group final presentation (30%), an
individual report (50%), a GitHub repository (5%) and a 2-min video clip (5%) about the constructed
system. From training perspectives, the breakdown of the score will be from hardworking and teamworking
(20%), the ideas (20%), proposed specs and system architecture (20%), results (10%), discussion and
prospects (30%). The grade will be scaled with project difficulty and innovativeness. The final grade will
be higher if the students could demonstrate use of more knowledge and skills learned in this class. Original
and innovative ideas are appreciated.
Textbook and Supplementary Readings
Lecture Notes
Probabilistic Robotics (2005) by Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox
Other references will be delivered in class