Support vector machine for regression
[Lab] Implement SVM and classify data.
Week 8: Mixture Models and Expectation Maximum Learning
K-means clustering algorithm
Fuzzy C-means clustering
Gaussian mixture model
Expectation Maximum Algorithm
[Lab] Implement clustering algorithm and complete data clustering.
Week 9: Mid-term test
[Lab] Mid-term test
Week 10: Hidden Markov Models and Graphical Method
Hidden Markov Model
Expectation Maximum Algorithm of Hidden Markov Model
Bayesian network
Markov Random Field
Inference in the graphical model
[Lab] Implement EM algorithm
Week 11: Markov Decision Process
Dynamic programming
Markov Decision Process
Partially observable Markov decision process
Value Iteration
Policy Iteration
[lab] Use Hidden Markov Model to complete the prediction of the stock market.
Week 12: Reinforcement Learning
Q learning
Time difference learning
[Lab] Use the DQN model to realize the optimal path prediction.
Week 13: Evolutionary Algorithm
Genetic algorithm
Differential evolution algorithm
Particle swarm optimization algorithm
Genetic programming
[Lab] Use evolutionary algorithm to complete function optimization.
Week 14: Data-driven Evolutionary Optimization
Surrogate model selection
Filling criteria
Multi-fidelity model
Online data update
[Lab] Use offline and online data-driven evolutionary optimization to realize the optimization of design parameters.
Week 15: Surrogate-assisted multi-task and multi-objective optimization
Multitask surrogate modeling
Multi-objective surrogate modeling
Multi-objective filling criteria
[Lab] Use offline and online data-driven evolutionary optimization methods to realize multi-task and multi-objective
optimization of optimal design parameters.
Week 16: Summary & Revision
[Lab] Final projects.