This subject aims to introduce engineering students the fundamental, but multiple facets of Design and its process. It is
composed of two sub-courses that include practice-based hands-on skill training workshop and design seminar led by
design experts from industry. Students will be brought to:
1) Visual Communication Skill for engineers
Communication is a critical competency in creative process. Visualizing and expressing ideas/concepts are vital
primary form of communicating tool - a picture is worth of thousand words. 2D visualization is essential process for
both designers and engineers, enabling them to explore and develop concepts in efficient hand sketch form. It
introduces them the possibilities and constraints evolving in diverse area of creativity, idea generation and visual
communication as a thinking tool; Students will develop sketching skills and techniques by using visual language
professionally. It will emphasize the importance of understanding 3D form, perspective and proportion which is
placed on the ability to efficiently communicate ideas in 2D sketches by various medias.
2) Design Seminar
Design plays an important role to understand human needs which is critical in the compelling product/ service
development. This seminar is to develop students’ understanding of human-centred design approach; Industry
experts/entrepreneurs will be invited and introduce not only the design methods and theory that are applied to real-
world products, but also the case studies of collaboration between design, engineering and marketing in the industry
will be drawn. Students will practice the teaching contents throughout a sub-design workshop, where the steps of the
design process are taught and implemented in the project.
Upon completing the subject, students will be able to:
1) Visual Communication Skill
Gain fundamental principles of visualizing 3D objects
Create geometrical shapes in perspective drawings
Construct perspective field on 2D drawings for visual fluency
Apply the principle of variable line weight in freehand sketch
Develop sensible craftsmanship