monatomic and diatomic linear chains;
Review of classical electromagnetism – electrostatics and electrodynamics;
Toward quantum mechanics – Schrodinger wave equation, wave packet and
dispersion, hydrogen atom, crystal structure, electronic structures of bulk
semiconductors and heterostructures;
Using the Schrödinger wave equation – normalization and completeness,
currents due to tunnelling and traveling wave, symmetry and degeneracy
Using the Schrödinger wave equation – particle in a box, transmission,
reflection and tunnelling, nonequilibrium electron transistor;
Electron propagation – propagation matrix, time-reversal symmetry, current
conservation, rectangular potential barrier, resonant tunnelling;
Electron propagation in a periodic potential – the Block’ s theorem, tight
binding approximation, crystal momentum, effective mass, energy bands, the
WKB approximation
Eigenstates and operators – Dirac notation, the no cloning theorem, density
of states;
The harmonic oscillator – creation and annihilation operators, harmonic
oscillator wave functions, time dependence
The harmonic oscillator – quantization of electromagnetic fields, lattice
vibrations and mechanical vibrations
Fermions and bosons – Fermi-Dirac distribution and chemical potential,
Bose-Einstein distribution function
Time-dependent perturbation – first-order time-dependent perturbation,
Fermi’s golden rule, elastic scattering, photon emission
The semiconductor laser – absorption, spontaneous and stimulated
emissions, optical transition rules, gain in media, optical cavity
The semiconductor laser – laser diode rate equations, numerical solution to
rate equations, noise in laser diode emission
Time-independent perturbation – time-independent nondegenerate and
degenerate perturbations
Angular momentum and the hydrogen atom – angular momentum operator,
geometrical representation, spherical coordinates and spherical harmonics,
rigid rotator
Quiz: 5%
Homework: 20%
Midterm: 25%
Final exam: 35%
Project and presentation: 15%
Textbook and Supplementary Readings