课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)
教学周 第一周--第十六周
Weeks: 1
第一周—第二周 (Week 1 and 2):
绪论:一. 现代物理技术实验课程教学要求 二.现代物理技术实验思想与方法 主讲人:邓冬梅
Introduction: 1: Requirements of Physics laboratory III
2:Methology of Physics laboratory III
教学周第三周—第十一周: 学生从十二个实验中选修完成九个实验
Week 3 to 11: Students choose 9 experiments from 12 experiments
主要内容:1. 用相机记录客观散斑 2. 测量散斑的半径和面内位移。
Experiment 1: Measurement of Laser Speckles
Content: 1. Record objective laser speckles by camera
2. Determine mean size and in-plane translation of laser speckles
主要内容:1. 4f 光学系统的空间滤波实验 2. 单透镜系统的空间滤波实验
Experiment 2: The spatial spectrum and filtering based on Fourier optics
Content:1. Spatial filtering with 4f-Optical-System
2. Spatial filtering with simple lens system
主要内容: 1.了解马赫曾德干涉仪的原理 2.搭建马赫-曾德光纤干涉仪 3.定性观察环境因素(温度、压力)对干涉条纹的影
Experiment 3: Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Content: 1. Understand the principle of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer 2. Build up the Mach-Zehnder fiber