3. Improving experiment design, balancing logistics and scientific concerns, and improving
reproducibility (24 hours)
改进实验设计,平衡后勤和科学问题,提高实验可重复性 (24 课时)
3.1 Mesocosms, are larger experiments better? (2 hours Lecture)
中宇宙实验装置:实验规模是否越大越好?(2 课时理论学习)
⚫ Size is always desirable in experiment units e.g. moving from a 1 L to 1000 L scale, there is
much more volume to subsample and the volume, surface area ratio of our incubations is
increased. But larger experiments require more expensive logistics. How do we find a good
compromise in these considerations?
⚫ 一般来说,实验单元的规模越大,对实验来说都有好处,例如将容积从 1 升放大到
1000 升,可采样的体积自然也越大,培养的比表面积也会提高。然而,更大的实验
3.2 Multi-driver experiment results and interpretation (2 hours Lecture, 4 hours
多主导因素共同作用的实验结果和分析。(2 课时理论学习,4 课时示范性实验学习)
⚫ We will use bioassays to test the response to plankton to multiple drivers in micro-
environments around Shenzhen, interpreting the results in terms of the stress induced by
individual and multiple stressors.
⚫ 我们将通过生物测定实验来测试深圳周边微环境中浮游生物对多主导因素的反应,
3.3 Writing assignment. Guidelines on writing a good scientific report. (2 hours Lecture)
写作任务。撰写优秀科学报告的指引。(2 课时理论学习)
⚫ Well annotated and detailed notes are key to writing up and reproducing any experiment.
We will briefly discuss different approaches to note taking and prepare for the course
assignment which will be a report on our practical activities and results.
⚫ 详尽且带有注释的笔记是记录和重复实验的关键。我们将简要讨论不同的记录方
3.4 Bioassay experiment, assessing reproducibility. (6 hours Demonstration)
生物测定实验,评估其可重复性。(6 课时示范性实验学习)
⚫ We will test our own reproducibility, splitting into groups and aiming to perform the same
experiments independently to assess how good our practical skills are, and how
reproducible our methods are in practice.
⚫ 我们将测试所设计实验的可重复性,分组并独立完成相同的实验,以评估实践能力
3.5 Mind-mapping bottom-up and top-down control of ecosystem dynamics. What factors are
most important in our incubation experiments? (2 hours Lecture)
(2 课时理论学习)
⚫ Many environmental factors affect primary production, in designing experiments we must
focus on the most important, but also note the potential limitations of this.
⚫ 很多环境因素会影响初级生产,在设计实验时必须关注最重要的影响因素,但也要
3.6 Bioassay experiment, assessing reproducibility. (6 hours Demonstration)
生物测定实验,评估其可重复性。(6 课时示范性实验学习)
⚫ We will test our own reproducibility, splitting into groups and aiming to perform the same