Section 1
课程介绍和行业现状(2 学时):海洋结构物的类型、发展历史和现状,各种海洋
typical types of offshore structures, their development history and
state of the date; typical components of o
ffshore structures and their functions;
examples of offshore structures. (2 hours)
Section 2
海工设计规范及其发展(4 学时):世界主流的海洋平台设计规范 API 的基本内容和
历史发展, 工程经验教训,大型海洋工程的最新挑战。
Development of API rules for platform design: The development
improvement and new mega project challenges (4 hours)
Section 3
海洋工程环境(6 学时): 波浪和洋流相关理论和描述、波浪荷载、莫里森方程应
Offshore environment and loading: Oc
ean waves and current; wave and current
loading; Ocean wave energy spectrum; short term statistics, long term
Selection of design criteria. (6 hours)
Section 4
海洋结构动态响应(4 学时): 海洋结构物响应运动方程、传递函数 RAO、简谐振
Reponses of offshore structures: Motion equation, transfer function RAO, harmonic
response, free vibrations, damped motions. (4 hours)
Section 5
结构设计和强度分析(4 学时):设计标准、整体分析和局部分析、导管架推倒分
Structural design
and strength analysis: Design guideline and criteria, total analysis
and member analysis, push-
over analysis of jacket platform, tubular joint strength,
fatigue analysis. (4 hours)
Section 6
系泊系统(4 学时):工业设计标准、系泊系统组成部分、系泊布置、分散系泊和单
system: Mooring requirement and design guide, components of mooring
system, arrangement of mooring lines, load mechanism, spread mooring and
single point mooring, mooring lines and chain anchor. (4 hours)
Section 7
地基基础(4 学时):海洋土壤特性、设计荷载、P-Y 曲线法、实验法、循环测试、
Soil exploration, design lateral load, vertical load, overturning
moment, P-
Y curve, field testing, cyclic test, jacket pile foundation, suction
foundation. (4 hours)
Section 8
施工、运输与安装(6 学时):海洋工程施工方法、出坞、吊装分析与设计、拖拽运
Construction, transportation and installation: C
onstruction procedure and method
for offshore structures, loadout, transportation, lifting analysis and design, offs
installation method, jacket upending and launching. (6 hours)
Section 9
浮体稳定性(4 学时):水静力特性、浮力、稳心、恢复力矩、原始稳定、破坏稳
Marine stability:
Hydrostatic, buoyancy, metacenter, righting moment, intact
stability, damage stability, stability criteria (4 hours)
Section 10
半潜式平台设计工程案例(4 学时):选址环境、半潜式平台布置、选型、载重设
Design of semisubmersible:
Site environment, arrangement of semi, weight of
platform, stability analysis, mass properties, wave loads, natural frequency