排,进行野外实验的准备工作。(8 学时)
Day 1: Before the departure, at Chuangyuan 9-604 of SUSTech: Studying the knowledge of microorganisms in the
extreme environment and the geology of Tengchong Rehai area, the precautions and arrangements during the field trip,
and the preparation for field experiments. (8 credit hours)
外物资。(8 学时)
Day 2: Department from Shenzhen to Tengchong Airport, stay in Tengchong town, be familiar with the overall route of
the field trip, emphasize the precautions, assign the team, and arrange the materials needed for experiments. (8 credit
第三天:上午出发去热海实习区域,全面了解采样区概况,熟悉采样具体地点,总共 30 个取样点。下午主要集中在地热
体验区,分组测量热泉水体的原位理化性质,比如温度、pH、TDS 等,选择对应的热泉进行样品采集。晚上回来准备实
习物资,住宿腾冲县。(8 学时)
Day 3: Arrive at Rehai in the morning, get a comprehensive overview of the sampling area, familiar with the sampling
location, a total of 30 sampling areas. In the afternoon, the main task is the Drty Area. The in-situ physical and chemical
properties of the hot spring water are measured in groups, such as temperature, pH, TDS, etc., and sample collection.
Come back in the evening to prepare for field trip. (8 credit hours)
第四天:上午在地热体验区(Drty)和大滚锅(Dgg)过滤水样,每个点过滤热泉水 5L,收集浓缩液 2L,保存滤膜样品;
下午利用哈希试剂盒野外测定地热体验区和大滚锅(Dgg)的样品点的其他参数,包括溶解氧浓度(DO )、亚铁离子浓度、
硫化氢浓度、硝态氮、铵态氮、碱度、和二氧化硅含量。晚上回来准备实习物资,住宿腾冲县。(8 学时)
Day 4: In the morning, filter the water sample in the Drty and the Dgg. Filter 5L of the hot spring water at each point,
collect 2L of the concentrate, and store the filter sample. In the afternoon, use the hash kit to measure other parameters,
such as dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), ferrous ion concentration, hydrogen sulfide concentration, nitrate nitrogen,
ammonium nitrogen, alkalinity, and silica content, et al. Come back in the evening to prepare for field trip. (8 credit hours)
第五天:上午在怀胎井(Htj) 、姐妹泉(Jmq)、鼓鸣泉(Gmq)和珍珠泉(Zzq)进行水样和沉积物样品的采集;过滤水
样,保存膜样品;下午利用哈希试剂盒野外测定 Htj, Jmq, Gmq and Zzq 样品点的其他参数,包括溶解氧浓度(DO )、亚铁
(Gmq)有一条由热泉水流出形成的溪流,水路长 3 米,每隔约 1 米采集一个样品,分别为热泉泉口(Gmq S),中游
(Gmq C)和下游(Gmq P)。(8 学时)
Day 5: Collection of water samples and sediment samples in Htj, Jmq, Gmq and Zzq in the morning; filter water samples
and preserve film samples; In the afternoon, use the Hash Kit to determine parameters of Htj, Jmq, Gmq and Zzq,
including dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), ferrous ion concentration, hydrogen sulfide concentration, nitrate
nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, alkali Degree, and silica content. Come back in the evening to prepare for field trip.
Among them, Gmq has a stream formed by hot spring water. The water path is 3 meters long. A sample is collected
every 1 meter, which is the hot spring mouth (Gmq S), the middle reaches (Gmq C) and the downstream (Gmq). P). (8
credit hours)
(从源头到下游),沿着水流方向有很好的温度梯度。此条条位于 Drc,水路长约 8 米(共 7 个点),着水路测量了温
度、p H 和电导率值,进行样品的采集与分析。(8 学时)