Through this course, the basis of different kinds of resource exploitation type will be introduced systematically, so that
the students will learn the concepts, basic principles, and design and construction methodologies, as well as applicability
of various equipment and system for resource exploitation. It will equip them with fundamental professional knowledges
and skills for their future work in the marine engineering industry.
By taking this course, students will learn about the concept, principle and applicability of various types and systems of
ocean resources exploitation. It will equip students on the analysis and knowledge of resources exploitation, equipments
for offshore engineering works:
(1) Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to ocean resources exploitation;
(2) Able to analyze and design of resources exploitation and have knowledge of its construction methods;
(3) Apply the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools covered in the module to engineering practice of ocean
resources exploitation;
(4) Recognize the needs for China development, and have the ability to engage in lifelong learning in view of advancing
offshore resource exploitation technologies.