2. Fortran 编程语言基础(6 学时)
Basics of Fortran Programming Language (6 credit hours)
Linux 平台下的 Fortran 语言,Fortran 数学表达式,流程控制与逻辑运算,循环,数组和函数
Fortran programming language on Linux platform, mathematical expression in Fortran, Computational Flow Control and
Logic, Loop, Array and Subroutine.
3. 区域海洋环流数值模拟系统(3 学时)
Application of Regional Ocean Modelling System (3 credit hours)
Structure of Regional Ocean Modelling System, kernel, logic and operation.
4. 控制方程在海洋环流数值模式中的表达(9 学时)
Numerical treatment of governing equations for ocean motion (9 credit hours)
Numerical solutions for continuity equation, time-stepping of momentum equation, implicit and explicit methods, and
mode-split. High-order numerical solution for advection processes, numerical treatment of earth rotation, density and
pressure gradient force, fundamental of turbulence closure method.
5. 对流扩散方程的数值解(3 学时)
Numerical treatment of transport-diffusion equation (3 credit hours)
Numerical solutions for one to three dimensional transport-diffusion equation of ocean circulation, molecular and
turbulence diffusion.
6. 海洋环流数值模拟中的边界条件问题(3 学时)
Boundary conditions for regional ocean modelling system (3 credit hours)
Errors of Periodic Boundary Condition, Clamp Boundary Condition, Gradient Boundary Condition and Radiation
Boundary Condition.
7. 陆架、陆坡海洋环流过程重构(2 学时)
Numerical reconstruction of coastal processes (2 credit hours)
The wind-driven shelf and slope processes, upwelling and downwelling circulation, their numerical reproducing and