Foundation of Rock Magnetism 4 (Magnetic Susceptibility 2)
5. 岩石磁学基础 5(热剩磁与沉积剩磁)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Foundation of Rock Magnetism 5 (TRM and DRM)
6. 岩石磁学基础 6(交变退磁和非粘滞剩磁)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Foundation of Rock Magnetism 6 (Alternating Demagnetization and ARM)
7. 岩石磁学基础 7(磁晶相互作用)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Foundation of Rock Magnetism 7 (Magnetic Interaction)
8. 岩石磁学基础 8(磁性矿物概论 1)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Foundation of Rock Magnetism 8 (Magnetic Minerals 1)
9. 岩石磁学基础 9(磁性矿物概论 2)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Foundation of Rock Magnetism 9 (Magnetic Minerals 2)
10. 环境磁学及其应用(环境磁学参数)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Environmental Magnetism and its applications (Parameters)
11. 环境磁学及其应用(环境磁学应用实例)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Environmental Magnetism and its applications (Application Cases)
12. 构造磁学(磁性物理学基础与现代地球磁场)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Tectonomagnetism (Foundation of Magnetic Physics and Modern Earth's Magnetic Field)
13. 构造磁学(古地磁场、岩石磁组构、磁性地层学)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Tectonomagnetism (Palaeomagnetic Field, Rock Magnetic Fabric and Magnetostratigraphy)
14. 生物磁学(生物磁学理论与应用)(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Biomagnetism (Theory and Applications)
15. 讨论课(实例讨论:重磁化、磁学在黄土中应用) (3 学时,3 credit hours)
Seminar (Case: Remagnetization and Application in the Loess Study)
16. 读书汇报(3 学时,3 credit hours)
Reading Report
1. 朱岗崑 (2005). 古地磁学: 基础, 原理, 方法, 成果与应用. 北京:科学出版社.
2. Butler, R. F. (1992). Paleomagnetism: magnetic domains to geologic terranes, Blackwell Scientific Publications.