Introduction: a) the development, history and applications of hydraulics and hydrodynamics; b) fluid
properties (2 hours)
Section 2 水静力学基础:(4 学时)
Fundamentals of hydrostatics: hydrostatic pressure, static force on flat plate and curved plate, buoyancy
force, stability of floating body (4 hours)
Section 3 水动力学基础: (4 学时)
质量守恒、动量守恒方程的导出; 雷诺传输定理介绍;连续介质方程推导;欧拉方程, Navier-Stokes方
Fundamentals of Hydrodynamics: Conservation of mass and momentum; Reynolds transport theorem;
Continuity equation; Euler’s equation; N-S equation. (4 hours)
Section 4 管流和能量守恒定律: (4 学时)
Pipe flow and conservation of energy in pipe flow: Flow distribution in pipe; application of conservation
of energy in pipe flow; introduction to concepts of Reynolds number, laminar and turbulent flow.(4 hours)
Section 5 平板流动及边界层理论: (4 学时)
平板边界层动量积分方程及其平板边界层的计算, 边界层排挤厚度;平板流动层流边界层、紊流边界层;
Flow on plate and boundary layer theory: Momentum integral equation of steady flow over a flat plate,
displacement thickness; Laminar boundary layer and turbulent boundary layer over a flat plat; flow
separation and drag force. (4 hours)
Section 6 理想流体势流理论: (4学时)
理想流体无旋流动,速度势的概念;Laplace 方程,非定常伯努利方程;流函数概念及其与速度势的关
Theory of an ideal potential flow: Irrotational flow and velocity potential; Laplace equation and unsteady
flow Bernoulli equation; Stream function; simple potential flow and its properties; Introduction to concepts
of added mass and inertial force. (4 hours)
Section 7 波浪理论(6学时)