Characteristics of regional marine soil, shallow marine foundations, marine pile foundations, mooring
Section 6 海洋平台介绍(6 学时)
海洋石油钻探与生产装置概述, 海洋平台设计与建造,
Introduction of offshore platforms (6 hours)
Overview of offshore oil drilling and production equipment, offshore platform design and construction
Section 7 海洋工程特种工程船介绍(2 学时)
Introduction to special engineering ship in ocean engineering (2 hours)
Section 8 海洋油气管道介绍(2 学时)
Introduction of marine oil and gas transportation pipelines (2 hours)
Section 9 超大型海上浮式结构物(4 学时)
Very large floating structures (4 hours)
Section 10 海洋能发电技术(4 学时)
Ocean energy generation technologies (4 hours)
Offshore wind power generation technology, wave energy generation technology, tidal power generation
technology, tidal current energy and ocean current energy generation technology, temperature difference
energy utilization
Section 11 海洋矿物资源开发(2 学时)
Exploration and exploitation of oceanic manganese nodule (2 hours)
Distribution and development prospect, exploration and exploitation