Beaches, Longshore Drift, Origin of Beach Sand and Gravel (2 credit hours)
8. 海滩地貌(沙坝、滩肩、滩尖)(2 学时)
Beach Morphology (Bars, Berms, Cusps) (2 credit hours)
9. 测验 2 EXAM 2
10. 人造海岸建筑(放浪墙、防波堤、丁字坝)(2 学时)
Human Structures (Seawalls, Breakwaters, Jetties, Groins) (2 credit hours)
11. 潮汐、潮汐类型、潮流通道(2 学时)
Tides, Origins and Kinds of Tides, Tidal Inlets (2 credit hours)
12. 盐沼:植物与潮汐的关系(2 学时)
Salt Marshes: Relationship Between Plants and Tides (2 credit hours)
13. 海岸带湿地管理、暴风巨浪与海滩演化(2 学时)
Management of Wetlands and Bluffs: Storms and Their Role in Beach Evolution (2 credit hours)
14. 历史上的风暴灾害;抬升、沉降与海平面变化;海岸带演化(2 学时)
Storm Case Histories: human disasters in history Long-Term Processes: Uplift, Subsidence and Sea-Level Change
Long-Term Behavior of Coastal Environments (2 credit hours)
15. 个例研究:中国的三角洲(黄河、长江、珠江)(2 学时)
Case History: Deltas in China (Yellow River, Yangtze, Pearl River) (2 credit hours)
16. 美国与中国的海岸带管理比较(2 学时)
Coastal Zone Management in the United States and China (2 credit hours)
17. 海滩考察 (4 学时)
One day field trip to local beach (4 credit hours)
1. Beaches and Coasts, R. Davis, D. FitzGerald, Wiley-Blackwell, P.419, 2004. ISBN: 0632043083
2. Introduction to California's Beaches and Coast, Gary Griggs, University of California Press, P.328, 2010, ISBN: