装换和储存技术 (包括金属空气电池、液流电池、燃料电池、电解水制氢、二氧化碳电化学还原)的主要工作原理、
性能、结构、应用及研究现状, 从而培养学生在新能源领域的创新能力。
This course will introduce the basic principles of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering
with focus on the electrochemical energy storage and conversion for applications in clean and
sustainable energy. The course will equip the students with the knowledge of the working mechanisms、
characteristics 、 applications and the state-of-the-art of some major electrochemical technologies
( including flow batteries, metal-air batteries, fuel cells, water electrolysis, electrochemical
reduction of CO2, etc),and help the students develop capabilities to conduct innovative research in
electrochemical energy materials and to apply electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering for
energy storage and conversion.
1.课程采用多媒体教学与板书结合的授课方式。课堂板书是为了使学生能充分理解课程内容。Multimedia will be
the major teaching tool and board writing will be used as a supplementary tool to help students fully
understand some difficult points.
2.教学中通过对案例分析的方法来阐述某些枯燥难懂的基本原理,使学生能够更深刻地掌握所学内容。Case study
will be used to illustrate some of the difficult principles and topics, which will help students to
grasp the knowledge in a more in-depth manner.
用及重要性。 One or two expert speakers in the areas of electrochemistry or electrochemical engineering
or their applications in energy storage and conversion will be invited to give seminars on specific
topics to help students understand how the related theory and principles are useful.
结,或者对选定的科研课题做一个简单的研究设想。使学生能跟踪世界前沿的相关知识和技术。The course will
require the student to select a literature review topic or a research planning topic to conduct and
present the literature search or to propose a research topic. The goal is to help the student to
understand the state-of-the-art of the area of his/her interest.
5.作业将采用灵活的方式, 约两周一次作业,其目的是强化学生对基础知识的掌握和理解。Homework will be
required biweekly to ensure deeper understanding of the taught materials.
6.期末考试将采用在课堂上开卷的形式, 3 小时, 将评价学生的理解能力而不是回想和记忆能力,考查学生利用已
经掌握的基础知识和课堂记录灵活地利用电化学知识应用到新能源领域。Final exam will be using “open-note”
style in classroom for 3 hours. Students will be evaluated on understanding rather than recalling and
memorizing. Students will be examined on their abilities to apply electrochemistry and electrochemical