In this course, the mechanical behavior of structures and materials will be systematically introduced.
It is expected that, after finishing this course, the students should have an overall understanding of
mechanical behavior of materials, from the continuum description of properties to the atomistic and
molecular mechanisms that confer those properties to all materials.
This course will cover elastic, plastic and viscoelastic deformation, the fracture and fatigue
behaviors of materials including crystalline and amorphous metals, semiconductors, ceramics, and
polymers, etc. The techniques on the design and processing of materials from the atomic to the
macroscale to achieve desired mechanical behaviors will be emphasized.
Certain cut-edge topics in mechanical behavior for material systems will also be introduced and
本课程主要以理论授课形式进行, 但课时的 40%以上时间为针对特定相关研究领域的小组讨论及论文答辩。 本课程
在考核形式上有所创新, 初步拟定为期末研究计划书撰写及答辩, 及本课程学生需要在期末时提交一份在材料力学
行为领域的研究计划书, 并针对所提出的计划书进行答辩, 此考核方式将综合考核学生对课程内容的掌握, 对相关