Chapter 1: 绪论(2 课时)
Chapter 2: 3D 打印定义及现状(2 课时) (Chapter 1: 3D printing: Its definition and current status
; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 3: 基于激光及电子束的增材制造(2 课时)(Chapter 2: laser-based and electron beam based
additive manufacturing; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 4: SLA\DLP\Polyjet\FDM 3D 打印软件、以及在线服务 (2 课时) (Chapter 3: SLA, DLP, PolyJet
and FDM ; 2 credit hours)(Chapter 4: DIY of FDM 3D printer; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 5:钛 及 钛 合 金 的 3D 打 印 ( 2 课 时 ) ( Chapter 5: Printable materials-Ti and Ti alloys; 2
credit hours)
Chapter 6: Mg 合金、Co 合金及形状记忆合金的 3D 打印 (2 课时)(Chapter 6: Printable materials-Mg
alloys, Co alloys and shape memory alloys; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 7: 镍 基高温 合金、钢的 3D 打印(2 课时)( Chapter 7: Printable materials-Mg alloys, Co
alloys and shape memory alloys; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 8:Al 合金,高熵 合金的 3D 打印(2 课时)(Chapter 8: Printable materials-Al alloys, and
high entropy alloys; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 9: 贵金属、金属玻璃的 3D 打印(2 课时)(Chapter 9: Printable materials-Noble metals and
metallic glasses; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 10:3D 打印粉体制备 (2 课时)(Chapter 10: Printable materials-Polymers; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 11: 陶 瓷材料 及高分子材 料的 3D 打印(2 课时)(Chapter 11: Printable materials-Ceramic
materials and colored glaze; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 12: 3D 打印部分课程回顾(2 课时) (Chapter 12: Midterm review; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 13: 3D 打印部分口头报告(2 课时)(Chapter 13: Midterm presentation; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 14: 激光器简介(2 课时)(Chapter 14: Working principles of laser and laser system,; 2
credit hours)
Chapter 15: 激光-物质相互作用及激光安全(2 课时)(Chapter 15: laser safety; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 16: 激 光 焊 接 ( 2 课 时 ) (Chapter 16: Interaction between laser and materials; 2 credit
Chapter 17: 激光切割、激光钻孔(2 课时)(Chapter 17: Laser in materials joining; 2 credit hours)
Chapter 18:激光打标、激光清洗、激光微制造(2 课时)(Chapter 18: Laser in materials cutting; 2
credit hours)
Chapter 19: 激光表面工程&表面改性,激光表面工程概论(Chapter 19: Laser in hole making; 2 credit