5、 研究所合成材料的载流子浓度和类型;
6、 虚拟仿真实验模拟测量及数据分析。
1. Understand the principle of magnetron sputtering deposition.
2. Synthesis an Indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film by sputtering deposition.
3. Investigate the Hall Effect in semiconductors.
4. Determine the Hall coefficient for the semiconductor samples.
5. Determine the sign, the mobility and density of charge carriers in the samples.
6. Simulation experiment and data analysis.
(四)教学第六、七周(16 学时):Week 6、7(16 credit hours)
实验三:In-Ga-Zn-O 薄膜晶体管的制备及性能测试
Fabrication and characterization of In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistor
1、 了解场效应管的工作原理;
2、 磁控溅射模板法制备 IGZO 薄膜晶体管;
3、 测试 IGZO 薄膜晶体管的电学性能
4、 获取器件的输出与转移特性曲线以及一些关键参数如载流子浓度、截止电压、阈值电压等
5、 了解晶体管的应用原理
1. Understand the working principle and fabrication methods of thin film transistors(TFTs)
2. Fabricate In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors by sputtering with shadow masks
3. Electrically test the transistors using the Keithley source meter.
4. Determine the value of carrier mobility, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, and some other important
parameters from the characteristic curves.
5. Understand how thin film transistors are applied in our daily life.
(五)教学第八~十周(24 学时):Week 8 、9、10(24 credit hours)
Electrochemical synthesis of porous metal thin films and investigation of their chemical properties as the
supercapacitor electrode.
1、 电化学法合成多孔金属或金属氧化物薄膜;
2、 用 SEM 观察薄膜的表面与截面的形貌;
3、 用 EDX 分析薄膜的金属成份比例;
4、 进行多孔薄膜的应用研究。
1. Synthesis of porous metal thin film by electrochemical method
2. Characterize the morphology of thin films by SEM
3. Obtain the components by EDX
4. Investigate the application of those thin films.
(六)教学第十一~十二周(16 学时):Week 11~12 (16 credit hours)
Magnetic material preparation and magnetic properties testing
1、 了解了解盐雾实验的测试原理及应用背景
2. 盐雾试验研究腐蚀行为
1. Background of salt spray test
2. Salt spray test
(七)教学第十三~十五周(24 学时):Week 13~15 (24 credit hours)
实验六:压电陶瓷的制备及性能测试(综合开放性实验)24 学时
Synthesis of barium titanate based BZT-BCT piezoceramics