nonlinear optimization.
Class 3-5: Convex Sets (6 hours)
Convex sets and cones, some common and important examples, operations that preserve convexity, projection,
separating hyperplanes, polyhedral sets, perceptron algorithm
Class 6-8: Convex Function and Multivariate Analysis (6 hours)
Convex functions, common examples, Taylor expansions, properties of convex functions, operations that preserve
convexity, quasiconvex and log-convex functions.
Class 9-10: Convex Optimization Problems (4 hours)
Convex optimization problems, linear and quadratic programs, second-order cone and semidefinite programs
Class 11-13: Unconstrained Optimization (6 hours)
Gradient descent, steepest descent, Newton's method and its variants, online convex optimization and online learning
Class 13-18: Constrained Optimization (10 hours)
Lagrange dual function and problem, Slater's condition, complimentary slackness, KKT conditions, examples and
applications (Support Vector Machines)
Class 19-21: Optimization under Errors (6 hours)
Algorithms and CVX solver, brief introduction to robust optimization
Class 22-24: Discrete Optimization (6 hours)
Maximum matching, minimum spanning trees, knapsack, LP relaxation, greedy algorithms, maximum-cover and
submodular functions, computational complexity, P vs NP