1. What’s Network Event Marketing
2. Strategies in Network Event Marketing.
3. Network Event Marketing Case Study
Tutorials (two hours):Discuss the Cases of Network Event Marketing.
Week 4:
Lecture (two hours): WeChat Marketing
1. What’s WeChat Marketing
2. Strategies in WeChat Marketing.
3. WeChat Marketing Case Study
Tutorials (two hours):. Discuss the Cases of WeChat Marketing
Week 5:
Lecture (two hours): Online to Offline (O2O) Marketing
1. What’s O2O Marketing
2. Strategies in O2O Marketing.
3. O2O Marketing Case Study
Tutorials (two hours):. Discuss the Cases of Online to Offline (O2O) Marketing
Week 6:
Lecture (two hours): Viral Marketing
1. What’s Viral Marketing
2. Strategies in Viral Marketing.
3. Viral Marketing Case Study
Tutorials (two hours):. Discuss the Cases of Viral Marketing
Week 7:
Lecture (two hours): Mobile Apps and Mobile Marketing
1. What’s Mobile Marketing
2. Strategies in Mobile Marketing.