Email: jiazz@sustc.edu.cn
Zhenzhong Jia, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering,
Email: jiazz@sustech.edu.cn
MA107A 线性代数 A、 MA212 概率论与数理统计;学生需熟练掌握程序设计。另建议
学生先修 ME339 机器人与视觉感知:基本原理及算法(此项为非强制要求)
MA107A Linear Algebra A, MA212 Probability and Statistics; students
should be fluent with computer programming. It is recommended to take
ME339 Robotics and Visual Perception: Fundamentals and Algorithms
(optional, not a strict requirement).
(如面向 本 科 生开放, 请 注 明 区 分 内容 。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
With the development of robotics and artificial intelligence technologies, robots are rapidly evolving
to increasingly complex machines capable of performing challenging tasks in our daily environment. The
objective of this course is to prepare students with basic concepts and algorithms required to develop
mobile robotic systems that act autonomously in complex environments. The main emphasis is put on
locomotion concepts, kinematics, navigation, environment perception, probabilistic map-based
localization and mapping, motion planning, and manipulation. This course aims to help students to
understand key issues, classical algorithms, and development trends in intelligent driving, autonomous
mobility and manipulation, thereby laying foundations for future researches on autonomous robotic
systems. Both graduate students and undergraduate students will learn the same materials, however,
this course will have higher standards for graduate students for deeper understanding of fundamental
problems and more difficult homework.