microscale. Lecture will include various surface forces such as force that lead to
adhesion and friction. Specific microfluidic phenomena will also be discussed, such
as Brownian motion, viscous drag, Stoke’s law, etc.
Diffusivity: Lecture will introduce the concept of diffusivity which is a very important
phenomenon to micro/nanoscale robots. Diffusion is a source of environmental
disturbance that can significantly influence the swimming motion and trajectories of
micro/nanorobots. Lecture will cover theoretical calculation of diffusion related
parameters as well as experimental techniques to measure diffusion.
Bio-inspired and inorganic micro/nanorobots case studies: Lecture will discuss the use
of bio-inspired engineering based on the swimming mechanisms of microorganisms.
Lectures will also explore the fabrication and actuation techniques of microrobots
aimed towards biomimicry.
Biological micro/nanorobots case studies: Lecture will discuss the microrobots that
combine microbiology with engineered system. This will include the methods to
culture microorganisms, to harness their propulsive power, to obtain
bionanomaterial, and to exploit external stimuli for control. Case studies will include
the flagellar nanoswimmers, bacteria-power microrobots, Tetrahymena microrobots,
magnetotactic bacteria, etc.
Engineering design of swimming mechanism: Lecture will discuss the use of engineered
nonreciprocal swimming mechanisms that are effective at low Reynolds number.
Lectures will introduce biologically inspired locomotion, theoretical locomotion such
as the “Taylor sheet” and “Pushmepullyou” swimmers, and practical locomotion.
Introduction to existing micro/nanorobots (Part 1): After gaining a foundation into the
fundamental knowledge in microrobotics from the previous weeks, this week’s
lecture will dive deeper into the design, fabrication, control of micro/nanorobots
currently in development. The lecture focus will be on helical chiral swimmers
Introduction to existing micro/nanorobots (Part 2): After gaining a foundation into the
fundamental knowledge in microrobotics from the previous weeks, this week’s
lecture will dive deeper into the design, fabrication, control, applications aspects of
micro/nanorobots currently in development. This lecture will focus on flexible body
swimmers, chemical swimmers, and surface microrobots.
Applications examples: To facilitate the course project, the instructor will spend time at
the beginning of lecture to introduce examples of possible applications for
micro/nanorobotics. This will give the students an idea on what type of applications
that can choose to address in their projects.
Microfabrication Techniques: Lecture will explore microfabrication technologies that
were used for existing microrobots and related engineered systems. This will include
a various of techniques such as photolithograph, soft lithography, etching, thin film
deposition, etc.
Nanofabrication Techniques: Lecture will explore nanofabrication technologies that
were used for existing micro/nanorobots and related engineered systems. This will
include a various of techniques such as direct laser writing, templated directed
electrodeposition, self-scrolling, shadow-growth, underpotential deposition, etc.
Control methods: Lecture will cover the control systems used for various types of
microrobots. The lecture will focus mostly on the development and functions of
magnetic controllers, including hardware and software.
Imaging and Tracking: Lecture will cover the imagining and tracking techniques used in
microrobotic control systems. Due to the size of the microrobots, microscopes must
be used for visualization. For data analysis and control, vision based tracking must
also be employed. Lessons will introduce the use of MATLAB to develop tracking
Project Proposal Presentation: Students are expected to have chosen a topic for the
course project and have done basic research. Students will give a 15-minute