Introduce the individual characteristics of the different categories of
biomedical models
Introduce the specific application scenarios of each type of the models
Compare the pros and cons of each category of the biomedical models
Organoids as a rising star in biomedical models
ass discussion: When we talk about research models, what are the
main aspects to consider?
Basic Principles of Organoids Construction
Overview of organoids: definition, history, and applications
Introduction to stem cell biology related to organoids construction
How to construct organoids, and what they can be used for – an overview
Common problems encountered in organoids construction
class discussion: What is the difference between organoids and other
biomedical research models? What are the unique characteristics of
organoids, which cannot be replaced by other models?
Development of organoids technology and the theory behind
Why organoids were developed for biomedical research
Early-stage research on organoids development
Organoids and developmental biology
Main stages of the progress of organoids technology
Importance of organoids during COVID-
19 pandemic for biomedical
research and therapy development
class discussion: How developmental biology promoted the technical
advance of organoids construction? What may be the future promoting
factors for organoids technology?
Gut Organoids: Stomach, Intestine, and Colon
natomy and physiology of the major sections of the gut: stomach,
intestine, and colon
How to construct gut organoids, and what have been achieved so far
Key mechanisms involved in gut organoids differentiation
pplication of gut organoids in biomedical research, with a focus on the
recent COVID-19 research
Gut organoids and gut microbiota
class discussion: What key features must be there for successful gut
organoids? What are the requirements for the experimental set-
mimic a real gut micro-environment?
Respiratory Organoids: Upper Airway and Lower Airway
natomy and physiology of the major sections of the respiratory system:
upper airway and lower airway
How to construct respiratory orga
noids, and what have been achieved so
Key mechanisms involved in respiratory organoids differentiation
Commonly used experimental set-up for respiratory organoids
pplication of respiratory organoids in biomedical research, with a focus
on the recent COVID-19 research
class discussion: Similarity and difference between gut and respiratory
organoids, from main features to culture conditions.
Brain Organoids and Blood Vessel Organoids
Difficulties encountered in the development of brain or
technological and ethical