College-level molecular biology, genetics, cell biology or similar. Knowing basic
probability theory, statistics, and any entry-level programming is recommended
but not mandatory.
从⼈类基因组 2001 年问世以来,相关组学技术快速发展。⾯对测序获得的庞⼤数据,如何有效分析是不少科研⼈员在
操作,旨在教会学⽣基本的组学数据分析流程。在学完本课程后,学⽣能掌握基本的 Unix 环境和 R 语⾔编程技巧,并
能使⽤ Shell 和 Bioconductor 来初步处理课题中碰到的常⻅组学数据(全基因组/外显组测序、RNA-Seq、单细胞
RNA-Seq、ChIP-Seq、ATAC-Seq 等);或者能更好地知晓⾃⼰的分析需求,从⽽与⽣物信息学家能更⾼效地沟通。
Since the advent of the human genome in 2001, related omics technologies have developed rapidly.
Facing the huge data obtained by sequencing, how to effectively analyze them are a problem that many
researchers often encounter in daily research. Biomedical Omics Data Analysis focuses on the
applications of omics technologies in biomedical research. This course also emphasizes hands-on
experience with the aim to teach students the basic omics data analysis workflow. After completing this
course, students are expected to master the basic Unix environment and R language programming skills
and can use Shell and Bioconductor to process common omics data encountered in their thesis research
(whole genome/exome sequencing, RNA-Seq, Single-cell RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, long-read
sequencing etc.); or can better understand their analysis needs, so that they can communicate with
bioinformaticians more efficiently. In addition, this course also aims to teach students the general
principles behind common data analysis methods without getting into too many algorithmic details, so
that students can understand the reasoning and logics behind each analysis step. Finally, this course also
hopes to teach students how to better design omics experiments to make subsequent analysis easier
and make conclusions more reliable.