Course Code/Title
⽣物医学组学数据分析 / Biomedical Omics Data Analysis
专业选修课 / Elective
Course Credit/Hours
Teaching Language
英⽂或中英 / English or Bilingual Teaching
帅世⺠(医学院)/ Shimin Shuai (School of Medicine)
Open to undergraduates
or not
/ No
College-level molecular biology, genetics, cell biology or similar. Knowing basic
probability theory, statistics, and any entry-level programming is recommended
but not mandatory.
Course Objectives
从⼈类基因组 2001 年问世以来,相关组学技术快速发展。⾯对测序获得的庞⼤数据,如何有效分析是不少科研⼈员在
操作,旨在教会学⽣基本的组学数据分析流程。在学完本课程后,学⽣掌握基本的 Unix 环境和 R 语⾔编程技巧,并
能使⽤ Shell Bioconductor 初步处理课题中碰到的常⻅组学数据全基因组/外显组测序RNA-Seq、单细胞
RNA-SeqChIP-SeqATAC-Seq 等)或者能更好知晓⾃⼰的分析需求,从⽽与⽣物信息学家能更⾼效沟通。
Since the advent of the human genome in 2001, related omics technologies have developed rapidly.
Facing the huge data obtained by sequencing, how to effectively analyze them are a problem that many
researchers often encounter in daily research. Biomedical Omics Data Analysis focuses on the
applications of omics technologies in biomedical research. This course also emphasizes hands-on
experience with the aim to teach students the basic omics data analysis workflow. After completing this
course, students are expected to master the basic Unix environment and R language programming skills
and can use Shell and Bioconductor to process common omics data encountered in their thesis research
(whole genome/exome sequencing, RNA-Seq, Single-cell RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, long-read
sequencing etc.); or can better understand their analysis needs, so that they can communicate with
bioinformaticians more efficiently. In addition, this course also aims to teach students the general
principles behind common data analysis methods without getting into too many algorithmic details, so
that students can understand the reasoning and logics behind each analysis step. Finally, this course also
hopes to teach students how to better design omics experiments to make subsequent analysis easier
and make conclusions more reliable.
Teaching Methods
课堂讲授随堂演示、课后数据分析作业、期末项⽬(包含项⽬报告 PPT 演示)。
Lectures, in-class demo, programming assignments, and final projects with written report and presentation.
Course Contents
Section 1
Overview of omics technologies / 组学技术概述
This section includes a general overview of the history, classification,
and application of modern omics technologies in biomedical research.
Section 2
Introduction to common omics data format / 常⻅组学数据格式简介
This section teaches data formats commonly used in omics data
analysis, such as FASTA, FASTQ, BAM/SAM/CRAM, GTF, BED,
Wig/Bigwig, VCF and TSV/CSV etc.
Section 3
Basics of the Unix environment / Unix 环境基础
This section introduces the Unix environment, such as how to log into
computing clusters, manipulate files, execute scripts, manage
permissions, and install softwares etc.
Section 4
Basics of R and Bioconductor / R 语⾔和 Bioconductor 基础
This section introduces the base R programming and how to use
Bioconductor to install and manage R packages related to omics data
Section 5
RNA-Seq data analysis (I) / RNA 测序数据分析(I)
This section starts with introduction of the RNA sequencing
technology and then we will demonstrate how to analyze RNA-Seq data
from FASTQ files to aligned data.
Section 6
RNA-Seq data analysis (II) / RNA 测序数据分析(II
This section will continue the RNA-Seq analysis workflow. We will
introduce commonly used downstream analyses such as differential
expression analysis, gene set over representation and enrichment
analysis etc.
Section 7
Single-cell RNA-Seq data analysis / 单细胞 RNA 测序数据分析
This section will introduce the general scRNA-Seq data analysis
workflow (data import, quality control, PCA/UMAP/tSNE, clustering,
marker gene discovery etc.) based on R package Seurat.
Section 8
WGS&WES data analysis / 全基因组全外显组测序数据分析
This section will introduce DNA sequencing data analysis, focusing on
sequence alignments, variant calling, variant annotation, and association
analysis etc.
Section 9
ChIP-Seq data analysis / ChIP-Seq 数据分析
This section will introduce ChIP-Seq data analysis for transcription
factors and histone modifications. We will focus on how to align and
clean data, call and annotate peaks, find enriched sequence motifs etc.
Section 10
ATAC-Seq data analysis / ATAC-Seq 数据分析
This section covers the general data analysis workflow for ATAC-Seq,
including alignment, QC, peak finding, peak annotation, motif finding
etc. We will also compare ATAC-Seq to ChIP-Seq data analysis.
Section 11
Final project proposal presentation / 期末项⽬计划展示
Each student will be asked to prepare a short (~5 mins) presentation
showing the dataset and research question they will use in their final
Section 12
Long-read sequencing data analysis / ⻓读⻓测序数据分析
This section focuses on the emerging long-read technologies
(Nanopore and PacBio). We will introduce the benefits of long reads and
challenges of their analysis. We will also cover common tools used in
long-read data analysis.
Section 13
Multi-omics data integration / 多组学数据整合
This section focuses on how to integrate different types of omics data
computationally and demonstrates examples of such integrations in
Section 14
Applications of omics in medical research / 组学在医学研究中的应⽤
This section shows active research areas that use different omics
technologies. Examples of recent studies will be discussed to
demonstrate the extensive usage of omics in biomedical research.
Section 15
Final project presentation (I) / 期末项⽬展示(I)
Students will be asked to give a presentation (10-15 mins per person)
about their final projects, including background, methods, results and
Section 16
Final project presentation (II) / 期末项⽬展示(II
Students will be asked to give a presentation (10-15 mins per person)
about their final projects, including background, methods, results and
Course Assessment
1. 考核形式 Form of examination本课采取期末项⽬报告+期末项⽬ PPT 展示的⽅式考核The form of
examination will be final project report and presentation.
2. 分数构成 Grading policy
出勤 / Attendance 10%
课堂参与 / Participation 10%
课后作业 / Assignments 40%
期末项⽬报告+PPT 展示 / Final project report and presentation 40%
Textbook and Supplementary Readings
No mandatory textbook for this course. We will recommend reading materials for each section during the
Recommended resources for Unix and R:
- Basic introduction to the Unix environment: www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix
- Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction
Recommended book for statistics:
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology: free at https://www.huber.embl.de/msmb/
Recommended book for bioinformatics:
- The Biostar Handbook: not free at https://www.biostarhandbook.com/