Anatomical structure and function, angiolymphatic and nerve distribution of female internal and external reproductive
organs; pelvic structure and type, pelvic floor structure; follicular development and maturation, ovulation, corpus luteum
formation, corpus luteum atrophy, synthesis of sex hormones (estrogen, pregnancy, androgen). The physiological
effects of estrogen, progesterone, and androgens, and periodic changes in reproductive organs, endometrium, cervix
and secretions, fallopian tubes, and vaginal cells. Regulation mechanism of menstrual cycle, and regulation mechanism
of hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian neuroendocrine axis on menstrual cycle.
2.妊娠生理 Physiolgy of Pregnancy
The fertilization and the development, transportation and implantation of zygote. The developmental characteristics of
embryo and fetus and physiological characteristics of fetus. Formation and function of fetal appendages. Maternal
changes during pregnancy.
3.妊娠诊断 Diagnosis of Pregnancy
Signs and symptoms: amenorrhea, morning sickness, uterine changes, breast changes, lower-reproductive-tract
changes, pregnancy tests, sonographic recognition of pregnancy, fetal movement, fundal height, fetal heart rate, fetal
position, fetal presentation.
4.产前保健 Prenatal Care
Prenatal record. Previous and current health status, physical examination, the expected date of childbirth, laboratory
tests, prenatal surveillance in return visit, techniques of fetal monitoring.
5.正常分娩 Labor and Delivery
Definition. The role of the causes of parturition, secretion of maternal-fetal hormones, and secretion of prostaglandins.
Factors determining delivery: four major factors. Labor: observation and treatment of labor. Preparation for delivery,
mechanism of delivery with occipital presentation, labor analgesia.
6.过期妊娠 Postterm Pregnancy
To evaluate the gestational age and diagnosis, definition and incidence, maternal and fetal morbidity, comorbidities,
pathology and pathogenesis, management and treatment.
7.妊娠期高血压疾病 Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy
高血压,慢性高血压并发子痫前期,子痫),诊断、治疗,HELLP 综合征。