Lecture 8 Summary of regional anatomy of the neck and thorax
第九讲 腹壁、腹部内脏解剖(一)
Lecture 9 Anatomy of abdominal wall and abdominal viscera (1)
Know surface landmarks and regions of the anterior abdominal wall. Master the layers of anterior abdominal wall. Know
the blood supply and innervations of the anterior abdominal wall.
Master the position, formation of inguinal canal. Master the structures passing through the inguinal canal. Master the
boundaries of inguinal triangle.
Master the composition of spermatic cord.
第十讲 腹壁、腹部内脏解剖(二)
掌握腹腔重要脏器: 胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、阑尾、盲肠、结肠、肝、胆囊、胰腺、脾、肾、肾上腺、输尿管等;
Lecture10 Anatomy of abdominal wall and abdominal viscera (2)
Know the concept of peritoneum, peritoneal cavity and the structures formed by peritoneum. Master the relationship of
various organs to their peritoneal covering.
Master the main Abdominal organs: stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, vermiform appendix, colon, liver,
gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney, suprarenal glands, ureter.
Master the main Abdominal nerves and vessels: abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, hepatic portal vein, vagus nerve,
sympathetic trunks.
第十一讲 腹后壁、腹膜后间隙、盆部内脏解剖
Lecture 11 Anatomy of the posterior abdominal wall, retroperitoneal space, pelvic viscera
Master the layers of posterior abdominal wall. Know the blood supply and innervations of the posterior abdominal wall.