11.2 生物武器的类型和危害
The types and harms of biological weapons
11.3 国内外对生物武器研发的态度
The attitudes towards the development of biological weapons at home and abroad
Emerging biotechnology and biosafety
12.1 生物技术的发展
The development of emerging biotechnology
12.2 新兴生物技术的生物安全隐患
The potential biological safety concern of emerging biotechnology
12.3 国内外对新兴生物技术的态度
The attitudes towards emerging biotechnology at home and abroad
Biosafety Industry and future stratagem
13.1 国外生物安全产业介绍
Introduction of foreign biosafety industry
13.2 我国面临的生物安全安全威胁
The potential biosafety threats in China
13.3 生物安全问题的对策
The strategy for biosafety issues
4. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical laboratories, 5
edition, 2020, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH).
5. William H. Yong et al., Biobanking methods and Protocols, 2019 Humana press, Spring Nature, New York.
6. Fleming, Diane O., Hunt, Debra L., 4
edition 2006, Biological Safety, Principles and Practices. ASM press,
Washington DC.