该领域的最前沿的研究方向。The course will start with the fundamentals of electrochemical energy storage, introduce
the origin of electrochemical energy storage devices, their development, and their advantages and disadvantages.
Finally, we will discuss the cutting-edge technologies and research frontiers of this particular field.
1. 电化学电源绪论 (3 学时) Introductions to electrochemical energy storage
2. 电化学电池基础理论-热力学(3 学时)electrochemical energy storage - thermodynamics
3. 电化学电池基础理论-动力学(3 学时)electrochemical energy storage - kinetics
4. 电容器简介(3 学时) Supercapacitors and Pseudocapacitors
5. 一次电池简介(3 学时) Introduction and history of primary batteries
6. 二次电池简介(3 学时)Introduction and history of secondary batteries
7. 锂离子电池基础(3 学时)Introduction to Li-ion batteries
8. 电化学测试方法(3 学时) Electrochemical methods
9. 锂离子电池活性材料(3 学时) Active materials in Li ion batteries
10. 锂离子电池非活性材料(3 学时) Passive materials in Li ion batteries
11. 燃料电池简介(3 学时) Introduction to fuel cells
12. 进阶课程随堂报告 1 (3 学时)
13. 进阶课程随堂报告 2 (3学时)
14. 进阶课程随堂报告 3 (3学时)
15. 进阶课程随堂报告 4 (3学时)
16. 进阶课程随堂报告 5 (3学时)
电池等主题)Final Presentation topics including Li-ion battery materials, Li-S batteries, Zn-ion batteries, Solid state
batteries, Aqueous electrolytes, etc.)