授课学时为 32 学时,课堂实验+展示与报告 32 学时
第一章:机电创新设计简介 1 学时
Chapter 1: Brief introduction of mechanical and electrical innovation design
Chapter2: Typical mechanical and electrical products and their composition
1. 典型机电产品介绍 1 学时
Introduction of typical mechanical and electrical products
2. 常用嵌入式系统控制器介绍 2 学时
Introduction of common embedded system controller
3. 常用传感器介绍 2 学时
Introduction of common sensors
4. 常用执行器介绍 2 学时
Introduction of commonly used actuators
5. 机电产品中的数字信号处理技术 4 学时
Digital signal processing technology in mechanical and electrical products
Classroom experiment + show and report link:
1.安卓手机编程入门 10 学时
Android mobile programming
2.Arduino 卡编程入门 6 学时
Introduction to Arduino card programming
3.学生汇报:淘宝上的测控卡、微电机、气泵、传感器等机电零件资源 2 学时
Student report: Taobao's measurement and control card, micro motor, air pump, sensor and other mechanical and
electrical parts resources
:机电产品创新设计理论 4 学时
Innovative design theory of mechanical and electrical products
Five main types of product innovation
产品创新设计的 8 个阶段
8 stages of product innovation design
Classroom experiment + show and report link:
1.学生汇报与研讨:拟制作的小型机电产品构思 2 学时
Student report and discussion: the idea of small mechanical and electrical products to be produced
第四章:机电产品设计、规划工具 4 学时
Mechanical and electrical product design and planning tools
1. Tree diagram
Gantt Chart
Prioritization matrix
Job Responsibilities Matrix
Classroom experiment + show and report link:
1.学生汇报与研讨:拟制作的小型机电产品规划 2 学时
Student report and discussion: Planning of small mechanical and electrical products
第五章:机电产品多领域建模与仿真 6 学时
Multi domain modeling and Simulation of mechanical and electrical products
几种主要的单领域建模与仿真工具介绍(ANSYS, ADAMA ,Multisim, SIMULINK)
Introduction of several main single domain modeling and simulation tools(ANSYS, ADAMA ,Multisim, SIMULINK)
Modlica 多领域建模与仿真工具
Modlica multi domain modeling and simulation tools
课堂课堂实验+展示与报告环节:Classroom experiment + show and report link:
1.学生机电产品数字设计实验:六自由度机械手设计 6 学时
Student mechanical and electrical products digital design experiment: six degree of freedom manipulator design
第六章:机电产品设计案例解析 4 学时
Case analysis of mechanical and electrical product design
Two wheel balanced electric vehicle
Innovative design contest of mechanical and electrical products for College Students
第六章:项目汇报 2 学时
Project Report
How to write project work report