This course is intended for students advancing in the study of robotic engineering. The focus is on the
problems of how a robot can learn to perceive the physical world well enough to act in it and make reliable
plans. Subjects covered by this course include robotic collaboration, kinematics, Robot Operating System
(ROS), robotic vision, calibration, RGB-D sensing, object recognition, artificial intelligence (AI) and deep
learning (DL). Specific projects will be carried out throughout this course regarding the simulation of robot
picking using fundamental kinematics and robot vision, an AI robot to play tic-tac-toe game, and a DL robot
to play arcade claw game.
To teach students how to conduct the basic kinematic formulation of a robotic system in simulation.
To teach students how to use robotic vision, including algorithm, hardware, and software, in
To teach students how to program artificial intelligence into a robot hardware performing interactive
To teach students how to use deep learning methods to program a robot hardware to perform
advanced tasks.
To reinforce students' team skills through various team project, including problem formulation,
problem solutions and written reporting of results.
To reinforce students’ visualization and hands-on skills through project virtual prototyping and/or physical
construction exercises.
As an elective course for robotic engineering major, this course lays the foundation for students to use
widely adopted Robot Operating System (ROS) to perform advanced robot control including basic
mathematical formulation, hardware usage, and intelligence integration. The following learning outcomes
are expected for students taking this course:
Given functional and environmental requirement, utilize concepts generation methods within a team
setting to achieve a consensus for a robot design concept.
Design and develop functional robot programs from the perspectives of function, hardware,