24. 项目报告和讨论(2 学时)
1. Introduction to the course, pre-requisites, course goals(2 hours)
2. Case study, status and prospect(2 hours)
3. Kinematics I (robot manipulators, preliminary of kinematics, rotation matrix)(2 hours)
4. Kinematics II (homogeneous matrix, orientation representation)(2 hours)
5. Kinematics III (Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) convention)(2 hours)
6. Kinematics IV (forward kinematics) (2 hours)
7. Kinematics V (inverse kinematics, Jacobian) (22 hours)
8. Kinematics VI (Jacobian, skew symmetric matrix, derivative of rotation matrix) (2 hours)
9. Kinematics VII (Jacobian calculation,statics, SVD) (2 hours)
10. Kinematics VIII (manipulability index, trajectory planning) (2 hours)
11. Dynamics I (Lagrangian equations) (2 hours)
12. Dynamics II (kinetic energy, potential energy, symbolic derivation) (2 hours)
13. Dynamics III (Lagrangian method based on homogeneous matrix)(2 hours)
14. Dynamics IV (Newton-Euler Method)(2 hours)
15. Dynamics V (Walking Simulation)(2 hours)
16. Control I (Manipulator)(2 hours)
17. Control II (locomotion)(2 hours)
18. Project proposal (group presentation)(2 hours)
19. Locomotion I (modeling and simulation) (2 hours)
20. Locomotion II (analysis and principles) (2 hours)
21. Human gait I (terminology, gait cycle, GRFs, dynamics and energetics) (2 hours)
22. Human gait II (measurement and analysis) (2 hours)
23. Exoskeletons and prosthetic devices(2 hours)
24. Final project presentation and discussion(2 hours)
1. 机器人建模和控制,翻译,作者:(美)马克 W.斯庞(Mark W. Spong),赛斯·哈钦森(Seth
Hutchinson),M. 维德雅萨加(M. Vidyasagar),译者: 贾振中. 机械工业出版社, 中国,2016. 第
1 版,ISBN:9787111542759。
2. Whittle's Gait Analysis, 原版进口,作者: David Levine; Jim Richards; Michael W.
Whittle. 出版社: Churchill Livingstone, 2012, 第 5 版, ISBN:9780702042652。
3. 骨骼肌肉功能解剖学,翻译,作者:(美) 唐纳德·A.诺伊曼 译者:刘颖、师玉涛、闫琪,人民军医出
版社,中国,2016. 第 2 版,ISBN:9787509163559。