3. Underwater robot prototype:product architecture, problem analysis, function construction and discussion ( 2 credit
4. 水下机器人样机设计:结构分析、讨论(2 课时)
4. Underwater robot prototype: analysis and discussion (2 credit hours)
5. 水下机器人样机设计:结构设计、修正优化与讨论(4 课时)
5. Underwater robot prototype: design, modification, optimization of structure and discussion (4 credit hours)
6. 水下机器人样机设计:电机控制与讨论(4 课时)
6. Underwater robot prototype: controls of motor and discussion (4 credit hours)
7. 水下机器人样机设计:图传通信控制与讨论(2 课时)
7. Underwater robot prototype: controls graphic & video communication and discussion (2 credit hours)
8. 水下机器人样机设计:数传通信控制与讨论(2 课时)
8. Underwater robot prototype: control of data communication and discussion (2 credit hours)
9. 水下机器人样机设计:总体装配及讨论(4 课时)
9. Underwater robot prototype: general assembly and discussion (4 credit hours)
10. 水下机器人样机设计:样机调试及讨论(2 课时)
10. Underwater robot prototype: prototype testing and discussion (2 credit hours)
11. 水下机器人样机设计:样机测试、反馈修改及讨论(4 课时)
11. Underwater robot prototype: prototype testing, modification and discussion ( 4 credit hours)
12. 水下机器人样机设计:答辩及讨论(2 课时)
12. Underwater robot prototype: dissertation of project and discussion ( 2 credit hours)
教材及其它参考资料 Textbook and Supplementary Readings
教材 Textbook
机器人手册(第3卷),布鲁诺.西西利亚诺, 欧沙玛.哈提卜,机械工业出版社, 2017年01月
Handbook of Robotics (Vol. 3), Bruno Siciliano, OussamaKhatib, Springer press, Jan. 2017
其他它参考资料Supplementary Readings
机器人手册(第1卷),布鲁诺.西西利亚诺, 欧沙玛.哈提卜,机械工业出版社, 2017年01月
Handbook of Robotics (Vol. 1), Bruno Siciliano, OussamaKhatib, Springer press, Jan. 2017
机器人手册(第2卷),布鲁诺.西西利亚诺, 欧沙玛.哈提卜,机械工业出版社, 2017年01月
Handbook of Robotics (Vol. 2), Bruno Siciliano, OussamaKhatib, Springer press, Jan. 2017
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