environmental, and societal context
i. A recognition of the need for and an
ability to engage in lifelong learning
The emerging field of science and
engineering will be engaged in lifelong
j. A knowledge of contemporary issues
The difficulties in developing
fabrication techniques at the micro and
nanoscale will be discussed.
Lecture Notes
k. An ability to use the techniques,
skills and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice
Lectures and assignments will cover
theoretical use of advanced techniques
in micro- and nanotechnology.
Lecture Notes,
Design project
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)
Introduction - History, motivation and goal, and literature review of micro/nanorobotics:
Lectures will include an introduction of the history of this new field of research. The lecture
will introduce the motivation of using microrobotics for various in vitro and in vivo
applications, and the ongoing developments in this field.
Technological limitations and future applications:
Lectures will introduce an overview of the essential technologies used in this field, such as
microfabrication techniques, control systems, and imaging capability, and their limitations.
Lecture will also include the future perspective of microrobotics.
Scaling Laws from macro to micro/nano:
Lectures will include the physics behind scaling mobile robots from macroscale to
Low Reynolds number Hydrodynamics:
This topic will be closely connected to the previous topic, but with more specificity towards the
principle of low Reynolds number.
Lectures will introduce the concept of diffusivity which is a very important phenomenon to
micro/nanoscale robots. Diffusion is a source of environmental disturbance that can
significantly influence the swimming motion and trajectories of micro/nanorobots. Lessons will
cover theoretical calculation of diffusion related parameters as well as experimental techniques
to measure diffusion.
Engineering design of swimming mechanism:
Lectures will discuss the use of engineered nonreciprocal swimming mechanisms that are
effective at low Reynolds number. Lectures will introduce theoretical swimming mechanisms
such as the “Taylor sheet” and “Pushmepullyou” swimmers.
Introduction to existing micro/nanorobots:
After gaining a foundation into the fundamental knowledge in microrobotics from the previous
weeks, this week’s lectures will dive deeper into the design, fabrication, control, applications
aspects of micro/nanorobots currently in development.
Bio-inspired and inorganic micro/nanorobots case studies:
Lectures will discuss the use of bio-inspired engineering based on the swimming mechanisms
of microorganisms. Lectures will also explore the fabrication and actuation techniques of
microrobots aimed towards biomimicry. The focus will be on rotating swimmers, helical chiral
swimmers, and flexible body swimmers.
Biological micro/nanorobots case studies:
Lectures will discuss the microrobots that combine microbiology with engineered system. His
will include the methods to culture microorganisms, to harness their propulsive power, to obtain
bionanomaterial, and to exploit external stimuli for control. Case studies will include the
Flagellar nanoswimmers, Bacteria-power microrobots, Tetrahymena microrobots,