一、简介: CAD 辅助设计, CAD 系统的分类, 应用领域, 新产品的创造和开发过程, 产品的发展, 3D 模型建构方
式及对应建模软件(2 学时)
Introduction: CAD-computer aided design, Classification of CAD systems, Areas of application, Process of new
product creation and development,3D models creating methods and the related CAD software
二、几何构造模型:线框建模;曲面建模;实体建模(2 学时)
Geometric modelling: Wireframe modelling Surface modelling, Solid modelling
三、基于特征的几何造型、特征-构件建模(2 学时)
Feature-Based geometric modelling, Features-Component modelling
四、钣金零件的建模:基于制造的零件,钣金特征,平面模型计算(2 学时)
Modelling of Sheet Metal Parts, Manufacturing based design, Sheet metal features, Flat pattern calculation
五、曲面建模:曲面描述的数学基础, CAD 系统中典型的曲面及建构(2 学时)
Surface modelling:Mathematical base of the surface description,Applied surfaces in the practice of the CAD
Typical surface-operation in the CAD systems
六、工程装配图:装配方法基础,装配的非几何参数,装配-几何关系,装配-运动关系,装配结构(2 学时)
Engineering, assembly modelling: Introduction to the assembly methods, Non-geometric parameters of the
assembly, Assembly-Geometric relationships, Assembly-kinematic relationships, Assembly-other relationships,
Assembly structure
七、逆向工程技术:背景, 3D 扫描技术, 点云操作, CAD 建模与重建(2 学时)
Reverse Engineering Technology:Definition and background, Reverse Engineering Process, 3D scanning,
Point cloud manipulation, CAD modelling, reconstruction, Verification
八、增材制造中的多孔优化结构:简介, 结构设计(2 学时)
Cellular structures for additive manufacturing: Introduction to Additive manufacturing, Design for additive
二维草图和三维模型数据的相互转化, 放样生成复杂模型(2 学时)
Import and Export-2D and 3D Translation, Advanced lofting exercise
模具工具箱,铸造零件,复杂草图,拔模分析(2 学时)
Mold Tools, cast part, complex draft and draft analysis
设计表的配置(2 学时)
Configurations with Design Tables
方程,扫描生成复杂模型(2 学时)
Equations, Modelling complex parts using sweeps
高等钣金设计(2 学时)
Advanced Sheet Metal Design
装配和绘图自动化, 设计表(2 学时)
Assembly and Drawing Automation, Design Tables
自由曲面(2 学时)
Freeform Surface