MAT8027 测度论与积分
Measure Theory and Integration
Course Credit/Hours
Bochen Liu, Associate Professor
Open to undergraduates
or not
MA301 实变函数, MA202 复变函数, MA302 泛函分析
MA301Theory of Functions of a Real Variable,MA202 Complex Analysis,MA302
Functional Analysis
本课是大学实变函数课程的继续。在大学课程里,学生已经掌握了实轴上的 Lebesgue 测度及积分理
论,故而自然地本课将以抽象的测度论开始,再讲抽象可测空间上的积分理论,Lp 空间等。这些内容为
其它研究生课程如概率论打下基础。课程的最后部分把学生重新带回 Rn 空间中,学习调和分析的一些最
基本的内容, 包括傅氏变换的有界性和傅里叶级数的收敛性等等广泛应用于应用数学和偏微分方程的内
This course is the continuation of the undergraduate course “Theory of Functions of a Real Variable”. It starts
with the definitions of abstract measures, measurable spaces, measurable functions, etc., then it covers abstract
integral theory and Lp spaces. These materials serve as a basis for other related courses, especially Probability
Theory. The last part of the course bring the students back to R^n, covering some basic topics in Harmonic
Analysis, such as Fourier Transform and the convergence of Fourier series that are useful for Applied Math and
The course will be taught in the standard way (“chalk and board”, in-class discussion, homework, office
hours, closed-book exams). The course is a balanced mix of abstract theories and applications.
General Measure Spaces: Their Properties and Construction
Measures and Measurable Sets
Signed Measures: The Hahn and Jordan Decompositions
The Carath6odory Measure Induced by an Outer Measure
The Construction of Outer Measures
The Caratheodory-Hahn Theorem: The Extension of a Premeasure to a Measure
Integration Over General Measure Spaces
Measurable Functions
Integration of Nonnegative Measurable Functions
Integration of General Measurable Functions