To introduce the basic concepts in finite element which forms the basis for all applications of scientific calculation, applied
mathematics. The emphasis is on applications. The basic teaching goal is making student understand variational principle, finite
element technique and how to use software solving pde problem The basic aim is to teach students to handle the basic theory and
fundamental methods and technologies for finite element, to train students' scientific thinking and problem analysis and problem
solving skills, and to lay a good foundation for the subsequent courses.
本课程介绍有限元的最基本概念,它们是科学计算与应用数学的基石。本课程也为进一步学习其他计算过程, 打下良好的
基础。本课程还重点介绍了一些基本的概率方法和技巧, 且强调它们的实际应用解释。基本教学目标是掌握变分原理,有
限元空间选取,解得唯一性与收敛性判断和应用常用软件解 PDE 方法。基本目标是教会学生处理有限元问题基本理论和基
After completing this course, students should master the basic concepts and methods in finite element. After learning this course, the
students should be familiar with a range of finite element methods and techniques for solving basic pde function. In particular, after
learning this course, the students should be able master the basic knowledge, deeply to understand and master the nature of the definitions, theorems, variational principle,
finite element technique. After the study, the students should be able not only to remember the above concepts and the finite element
theory, but also deeply to understand how to use finite element method slove real problem ; master the basic variational skills and be able to do it correctly; train the ability of thinking and to enhance the ability to do research ; improve the ability of solving practical problems. After learning this course, students should be able to use the learned
knowledge to establish a suitable model and to solve the life related mathematical problems.
理,有限元的技巧, 同时也能深刻理解如何利用有限元解决问题。
2.掌握基本技能, 并能正确的进行变分