Chapter 1 : Generation of Random Variables including the inversion method, the grid method, the sampling/importance re-
sampling method, the stochastic representation method, and the conditional sampling method (12 hours)
Chapter 2: Optimization techniques including Newton’ s method, Fisher scoring algorithm, expectation-maximization (EM)
algorithm and its variants, and minorization-maximization (MM) algorithm.(15 hours)
Chapter 3:Integration including Laplace approximations, Riemannian simulation, the importance sampling method and the variance
reduction techniques.(5 hours)
Chapter 4:Markov chain Monte Carlo methods including data augmentation algorithm, Gibbs sampler, and the exact inverse Bayes
formulae sampling.(8 hours)
Chapter 5:Bootstrap methods including parametric/nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing with the
In this course, no single textbook can cover all the topics. Relevant references are as follows:
[1] Tan, M., Tian, G.L. and Ng, K.W. (2010). Bayesian Missing Data Problems: EM, Data Augmentation and Non-iterative
Computation. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
[2] Givens, G.H. and Hoeting, J.A. (2005). Computational Statistics. Wiley, New York.
[3] Gentle, J.E. (2002). Elements of Computational Statistics. Springer, New York.
[4] Gentle, J.E. (2003). Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods. Springer, New York.
[5] Robert, C.P. and Casella, G. (2005). Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (2nd Ed.). Springer, New York.
[6] Tanner, M.A. (1996). Tools for Statistical Inference: Methods for the Exploration of Posterior Distributions and Likelihood
Functions (3rd Ed.). Springer, New York.
[7] McLachlan, G.J. and Krishnan, T. (1997). The EM Algorithm and Extensions. Wiley, New York.
[8] Gilks, W.R., Richardson, S. and Spiegelhalter, D.J. (1996). Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman & Hall, London.
[9] Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R.J. (1993). An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman & Hall, London.
[10] Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997). Bootstrap Methods and Their Application. Cambridge University Press, New York.
[11] Lange, K. (1999). Numerical Analysis for Statistics. Springer, New York.
[12] Lange, K. (2004). Optimization. Springer, New York.